You can stake liquidity pool (LP) tokens on Katana to farm RON. Farming is the process of providing liquidity to a pool and earning rewards in return. The rewards are distributed in the form of RON tokens.
To farm RON on Katana, you need to have LP tokens in a pool that distributes farm rewards. To add LP tokens to a pool, see Add a liquidity pair.
Start farming
Open Katana and connect your Ronin Wallet.
Select the Liquidity pool page, then turn on the Farms only filter to show the pools that support farming:
Select the pool. This opens the Liquidity pool tab, where the My position panel shows the amount of LP tokens you have in this pool.
Click Stake or select the Farm rewards tab.
If you have not interacted with the LP token before, you will need to approve the token. Click Approve, then confirm the transaction in your Ronin Wallet.
Enter the amount of LP tokens you want to stake. You can also click MAX to stake the maximum amount of LP tokens you have in this pool.
Click Stake and confirm the transaction in your Ronin Wallet.
When the transaction is completed, you'll see a confirmation pop-up. You can click View on Explorer to see the detailed information on the transaction on Ronin Chain Explorer.
The Farm rewards panel now displays your claimable RON rewards. You can claim them at any time.
Congratulations, you are now farming RON on Katana.
Claim farm rewards
To claim your farm rewards, open the Liquidity pool page, then select My positions, and then click Claim next to the pool you want to claim rewards from.
Or select an individual pool and click Claim all.
After you click Claim or Claim all, confirm the transaction in your Ronin Wallet.
When the transaction is completed, you'll see a confirmation pop-up. You can click View on Explorer to see the detailed information on the transaction on Ronin Chain Explorer.
Stop farming
To stop farming, you need to unstake the LP tokens from a farm pool. Unstaking means that you will stop receiving RON proportionate to how much LP tokens you unstake.
Open the Liquidity pool page, then select My positions, and then select the pool you want to unstake from:
Select the Farm rewards tab, then click Unstake.
Enter the amount of LP tokens you want to unstake. You can also click MAX to unstake all your LP tokens.
Click Unstake and confirm the transaction in your Ronin Wallet.
When the transaction is completed, you'll see a confirmation pop-up. You can click View on Explorer to see the detailed information on the transaction on Ronin Chain Explorer.
After unstaking, you can see an update in your total LP tokens staked and available in wallet reflective of the changes you made.
Congratulations, you have successfully stopped farming RON on Katana.